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Short Version Directed By: OVO

Edited By: Ari Vena and Hillevi Loven

Feature Version Directed & Produced By: Ari Vena, Chris Talbott & Ian Rosenberg.

The Spectacle:

On Prom night in Racine rowdy parades from all 7 high schools converge toward an all-night city-wide mixer while batting for the most outrageous mode of transportation: trolleys, hydraulics, fire trucks, the back of an elephant. A decades long tradition, local TV broadcasts with commentary while students walk a red carpet entrance to approving screams from bleachers filled to capacity; a teen’s Academy Award dream come true.

The Subtance:

Intimate portraits of two girls, one African-American and one white, preparing for this epic prom and (yes) for adulthood. Excited and anxious about their futures, eager to celebrate their high school success, these teens, their family and friends provide a vivid portrait of a proud beleaguered post-industrial city that must reinvent itself for the sake of its teens. The short documentary’s fast-paced treatment of flashy entrances and prom-day Cinderella transformations earned it the Best Documentary award at the Wisconsin Film Festival, and a wide spectrum of national coverage ranging from ABC News Now to Entertainment Weekly. It also inspired a beloved “Prom” broadcast by NPR’s This American Life.

Wacth On


The World's Best Prom


“Fun, touching and completely unforgettable - exactly what every prom should be!”


"The World’s Best Prom captures adolescent insight with wit and compassion. In cheddar’s heartland, you might expect this full-on embrace of cheese, but you’ll be surprised to find yourself cheering along.”


“It’s like your senior promo, plus the Supper Bowl plus the Oscars all in one. Every town should have The World’s Best Promo. You will LOVE this movie. If you don’t then you are lying.”